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This wooden sculpture represents a torus, that is not embedded in the three-dimensional sp...
The tails of these animanls form an Hopf link on the capital of S. Ambrogio church, in Mil...
The figure eight knot (also called the savoia knot) is the simplest knot after the trefoil...
We define a "fake knot" as a knot (so, a simple, closed curve in the space) that can be de...
A fake (or trivial) knot. The image has been realized for the exhibition matemilano.
Three circumferences that look like the borromean rings, they aren't Borromean rings; see ...
How to get a torus knot of type (3,k). Third step: before pasting the cylinder, we give a ...
A knot with 5 crossings. The image has been realized with the program KnotPlot.
Models of different types of knots. Exhibit of matemilano, section "Topology".
Questa scultura in legno di Franco Badaracco rappresenta dal punto di vista della topologi...