Images for Mathematics
surfaces (656)
knots (263)
graphs (31)
braids (19)

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A trefoil knot

L'immagine rappresenta sul toro un nodo trifoglio, ovvero un nodo di tipo (2,3). Si può...

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Drawing knots

The pieces of this puzzle are hexagonal tiles, all decorated with three pulls of rope (two...

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At the exhibition matemilano

In the section "Topology" of the exhibition matemilano there are some threads with magneti...

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A trefoil knot

A trefoil knot. For example, the knot we make when we tie our shoes (if we joined the two ...

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A Roman mosaic

On the floor of the Room of the Columns (II-III century a.C.) at the Domus dell'Ortaglia i...

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A knot

The knot of piazzale Cadorna, in Milan.

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(2,k)-torus knots

the torus knot of type (2,3) is the trefoil knot. You can see what happens when we increas...

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Stemma di Bernardo Clesio

Particolare di una delle due cordicelle ai lati dello stemma di Bernardo Clesio sul mastio...

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A figure eight knot

A decoration on the floor of the Galleria, in Milan. If we imagine to paste the ends, we g...

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A Hopf link

Two simply tied circumferences, namely the Hopf link. Exhibit at matemilano, section "Topo...

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one component knots (79)two components knots (14)three or more components knots (48)knots described by two numbers (22)knots around the world (168)

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