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The figure eight knot (also called the savoia knot) is the simplest knot after the trefoil...
the torus knot of type (2,4) is the so-called Solomon knot: two double-crossed circumphere...
A torus knot of type (3,3). If we want to get this knot, we can take three line segments d...
A trefoil knot. For example, the knot we make when we tie our shoes (if we joined the two ...
reduce the second of the two numbers that identify the knot. The image has been used at the exhibition matemilano.See also the interactive animation Two numbers for a knot.">the torus knot of type (2,5). You can see what happens when we href="grande.php?ID=2298">r...
The pieces of this puzzle are hexagonal tiles, all decorated with three pulls of rope (two...
Two double-tied circumpherences, (the Solomon's knot).Exhibit of matemilano, section "Topo...
A coat-of-arms representing Borromean rings on a vase in the gardens of Isola Madre (Stres...
A trefoil knot. For example, the knot we make when we tie our shoes (if we joined the two ...