Images for Mathematics
surfaces (656)
knots (263)
graphs (31)
braids (19)

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A trivial knot

We define a "fake knot" as a knot (so, a simple, closed curve in the space) that can be de...

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Drawing knots

The pieces of this puzzle are hexagonal tiles, all decorated with three pulls of rope (two...

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A poster

A poster of matemilano, in the section "Topology".See another poster of the same section. ...

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Images of knots on the facade of a house in Giessen (Germany).

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At the exhibition matemilano

In the section "Topology" of the exhibition matemilano there are some threads with magneti...

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Colonne ofitiche del Duomo...

Colonne ofitiche del transetto del Duomo di Trento. Si possono identificare in molteplici ...

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A trefoil knot

The trefoil knot is the simplest knot; here you can see the two versions (left and right) ...

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A trefoil knot

The trefoil knot is the simplest knot; here you can see the two versions (left and right) ...

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A knot

A knot on the paving of the Galleria, in Milan.The image has been used at the exhibition m...

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A diagram of the trefoil knot

The diagram of a knot differs from a projection of the knot on a plane because every cross...

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one component knots (79)two components knots (14)three or more components knots (48)knots described by two numbers (22)knots around the world (168)

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