Images for Mathematics
applications (15)
topology (175)
maximum and minimum (97)
visualization (40)
symmetry (163)

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A link with three components

This three-component link can be disposed so that it has the same "shadow" of the Borromea...

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Fake Borromean rings

The three-components knot represented in this diagram has the same "shadow" of the Borrome...

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A trefoil knot

The trefoil knot is the simplest knot; here you can see the two versions (left and right) ...

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A torus link

Three untied circumpherences are an example of torus knot of type (3,0). If we want to get...

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A torus link

A torus knot of type (3,3). If we want to get this knot, we can take three line segments d...

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A projection of the trefoi...

The figure represents the possible projection on a plane of a trefoil knot; indeed, it cou...

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The figure-eight knot is e...

Some knots aren't equivalent to their specular image, but this is not the case of the figu...

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The figure-eight knot is e...

Some knots aren't equivalent to their specular image, but this is not the case of the figu...

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The figure-eight knot is e...

Some knots aren't equivalent to their specular image, but this is not the case of the figu...

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The figure-eight knot is e...

Some knots aren't equivalent to their specular image, but this is not the case of the figu...

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