Images for Mathematics
∞∞ (p111) (63)
22∞ (p112) (97)
*∞∞ (pm11) (157)
∞* (p1m1) (58)
∞× (p1a1) (55)
pma2 (85)
*22∞ (pmm2) (95)
seven and only seven (89)

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A frieze

A frieze of type 22∞ decorates the cupola of the Mausoleum Apakhoja in Kashgar (China).

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A frieze *∞∞

A frieze of type *∞∞ on the top of the Mausoleum Apakhoja in Kashgar (China).

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A frieze *∞∞

The colonnade of villa Rufolo in Ravello (Salerno) provides an example of a frieze of type...

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A frieze *∞∞

A frieze of type *∞∞ on a gate of the palace of the University, in via Festa del Perdo...

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Friezes and patterns in Pa...

Friezes and patterns on the wall of Palazzo Ducale in Venice.

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La merlatura delle mura che circondano la piazza dei Miracoli, a Pisa, costituisce un esem...

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A frieze

A frieze of type *∞∞, against the line of the horizon, at Iraklion (Crete).

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A courtyard of Ca' Granda

A courtyard of Ca' Granda in Milan. The colonnade of the arcade and that of the upper floo...

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A poster

This poster of the exhibition matemilano, of the section "Symmetry", illustrates some exam...

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A frieze *∞∞

A house in via Pascoli, in Milan, decorated with a frieze *∞∞.

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*∞∞ (pm11)

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