The footprints we make by walking on a beach are the most natural example of a frieze of t...
A frieze of type ∞× on the floor of the Room of Dionysus in brescia at the Domus dell'O...
Islamic art on the wall of a mosque in Iran. The frame of the mosaic represents a frieze o...
In Piazza dei Mercanti, in Milan, a grate around a door. It is a ∞× frieze.
Fregio intarsiato con simmetria di tipo ∞× su un comodino conservato presso la casa nat...
If we imagine to continue the central drawing outside the frame, we get a frieze of type â...
A frieze of type ∞× in the courtyard of a house in piazza S. Ambrogio, in Milan.
This poster of the exhibition matemilano, of the section "Symmetry", illustrates some exam...
A frieze with a scheme of symmetry of type ∞× on a facade of S. Lorenzo church in Genoa...
∞× (p1a1)