Images for Mathematics
polygons (127)
regular star polygons (18)
other non simple polygons (73)
area problems (29)
tessellations (333)
curves and lines (98)
circle (62)
trasformazioni (110)
geoboard and squared paper (12)
other problems (59)

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Making round figures

An exhibit of matemilano in the section “Maxima and minima” proposes to make different...

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Problems of equidecomposition

A problem of equidecomposition between two regular octagons and a regular octagon; from th...

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Area and similitude

Two mirrors at 60° to show that by doubling the side of an equilateral triangle you get a...

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Regular polygons

Regular equilateral polygons. The area increases when the number of sides increases, and p...

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Un puzzle

Il puzzle mostra una equidecomposizione tra due triangoli equilateri di lato 1 e un triang...

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Un puzzle

Il puzzle mostra una equidecomposizione tra due ottagoni di lato 1 e un ottagono di lato ...

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Problems on the geoboard

A geoboard to compare the areas of polygons with the same perimeter. Exhibit of matemilano...

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Area and similitude

Two mirrors at 45° to highlight the fact that by doubling the side of a square you get a ...

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Problems of equidecomposition

A problem of equidecomposition between two regular octagons and a regular octagon; from th...

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The floor of a synagogue

A floor in the Scola Ponentina o Spagnola, one of the synagogues in the jewish Ghetto, in ...

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area problems

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