La figura mostra una sorta di teorema di Pitagora fatto con i triangoli equilateri anzich...
Un triangolo equilatero (in rosso) e un triangolo equilatero di area doppia (in blu). Il t...
Two mirrors at 45° to highlight the fact that by doubling the side of a square you get a ...
Problems of equidecomposition between polygons; from the exhibition “La matematica sotto...
Problems of equidecomposition between polygons; from the exhibition “La matematica sotto...
Problems of equidecomposition between polygons; from the exhibition “La matematica sotto...
A problem of equidecomposition between a square and a regular octagon; from the exhibition...
A problem of equidecomposition between a square and a regular octagon; from the exhibition...
Five polygons to find out an equidecomposition between a square and a regular octagon.From...
area problems