Images for Mathematics
the cathedral (8)
the Sforza Castle (23)
the Gallery (15)
S. Ambrogio (16)
the Cà Granda (72)
in the city center (92)
around the city (82)
Domus Ortaglia (Brescia) (16)

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A frieze 22∞

A frieze of type 22∞ in via Meravigli in Milan.

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A frieze of type ∞∞ (on the right) and a frieze of type *∞∞ (on the left) in via M...

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A gate 2*22

In corso Europa in Milan there's a gate that is an example of pattern 2*22. At first sight...

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A gate 2*22

In Milan, Corso Europa, a gate as an example of a wallpaper pattern with 2*22 symmetry typ...

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A gate 2*22

A Milano, in corso Europa, una cancellata che è un esempio di mosaico di tipo 2*22. A pri...

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A rosette D4

Outside S. Babila church, in Milan, near corso Monforte, we can see a rosette with dihedra...

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Borromean rings, rosettes ...

These windows in Corso Magenta in Milan are characterized by the scheme of the Borromean r...

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A rosette C8

On a gate in piazza mercanti, in Milan, there's an example of rosette with cyclic symmetry...

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A rosette C4

A rosette with cyclic symmetry of type C4 in the courtyard of a house in piazza S.Ambrogio...

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A frieze *∞∞

A frieze of type *∞∞ on the door of the cloister of S. Maria delle Grazie, in Milan.

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in the city center

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