Images for Mathematics
from the exhibition Symmetry, playing with mirrors (1016)
from the exhibition matemilano (792)
from the exhibition matetrentino (293)
from the exhibition Diving in 4th dimension (216)
from the exhibition Matematica trasparente (9)
from the exhibition Equal? Different! (538)
from the exhibition Taming infinity (56)
from the exhibition 150 years of mathematical models (73)

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A regular octahedron

A regular octahedron. You can reconstruct in the mirrors of the kaleidoscope corresponding...

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An icosahedron

A regular icosahedron. You can reconstruct it in the mirrors of the kaleidoscope correspon...

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A tetrahedron

A regular tetrahedron. You can reconstruct it between the mirrors of the corresponding kal...

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A dodecahedron

A regular dodecahedron. You can see a net.Image has been used in the posters on polyhedra ...

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A cube

A cube. You can reconstruct it between the mirrors of the corresponding kaleidoscope. This...

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Il ritmo delle forme - The...

The preparation of the exhibition Il ritmo delle forme - The rhythm of the shapes in Genoa...

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The kaleidoscope effect

If we put any object between two incident mirrors at angle that divides 180° (90° in the...

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The kaleidoscope effect

If we put any object between two incident mirrors at angle that divides 180° (60° in the...

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The kaleidoscope effect

If we put any object between two incident mirrors at angle that divides 180° (30° in the...

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Planes of symmetry of a cube

A cube has nine symmetry planes: three planes which are parallel to a couple of opposite ...

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from the exhibition Symmetry, playing with mirrors

objects of the exhibition (520)images from the exhibition (194)problems from the exhibition (86)exhibition in Milan (89)external layouts (231)Simetria, jogos de espelhos in Porto (43)the visitors (30)

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