Images for Mathematics
leaves (36)
flowers (130)
fruits (19)
succulents (8)
in the microscope (18)

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Sphere packings

The geometry you can read in a fruit and vegetable stand in Borgosesia (Novara, Italy): an...

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Order and disorder

The geometry you can read in the fruit and vegetable crates of a shop in Borgosesia (Novar...

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Geometry with fruit and ve...

Mirrors and reflections in the layout of this beautiful fruit and vegetable stand in Borgo...

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Geometry with fruit and ve...

Mirrors and reflections in the layout of this beautiful fruit and vegetable stand in Borgo...

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Agrumi fotografati a Genova.

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Il picciolo del pomodoro come esempio di una simmetria prismatica, di tipo D5. Fotografia...

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Un kiwi

Simmetrie e rotture di simmetria in questa sezione di un kiwi.

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The growth of a cherry-tree

Image created from the photo of a branch of cherry-tree.

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A samara

A fruit of maple, called samara because it has two wings. This photo, taken from the right...

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