Images for Mathematics
the way of images (50)
i concorsi fotografici (98)
Coxeter dossier (34)
le immagini per la via delle immagini (22)
dossier 4d (34)
which polygons tile the plane? (36)
the genus of a surface (50)
Hanoi s tower and hamiltonian circuits (8)
mathematics workshop (32)
"about the project" (70)
from "fun with hexagons" (30)
from "fragments of topology" (77)
from "symmetry and everyday life" (52)
from "towards the 4th dimension" (41)
from "seeing beyond..." (17)
from "mirrors" (49)
other matters (27)

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Word games

A word with an axis of symmetry perpendicular to the direction of writing.

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Word games

There are no reflections that fix this word, but a 180° rotation maps it onto itself. Exh...

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Drawing with mirrors

A drawing that can be reconstructed in a mirror box. Exhibit from Simmetria, giochi di sp...

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Drawing with mirrors

A drawing that can be reconstructed in a room of mirrors. Exhibit from Simmetria, giochi d...

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A tessellation

A drawing to reproduce in a square room of mirrors. The symmetry of this scheme is 4*2; yo...

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A tessellation

A drawing to reproduce in a square room of mirrors. The symmetry of this scheme is 4*2 (if...

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A module to see a tessella...

A module to put in a square mirror box. You can see the complete drawing. Used at the exhi...

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A module to see a tessella...

A module to put in a square mirror box. You can see the complete drawing and a photo. Used...

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A frieze of fishes

This frieze of type *∞∞ was created by using a fish motif, by folding and cutting a st...

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The bill of the exhibition

The bill of the exhibition Simmetria, giochi di specchi - Symmetry, playing with mirrors.

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