Images for Mathematics
the way of images (50)
i concorsi fotografici (98)
Coxeter dossier (34)
le immagini per la via delle immagini (22)
dossier 4d (34)
which polygons tile the plane? (36)
the genus of a surface (50)
Hanoi s tower and hamiltonian circuits (8)
mathematics workshop (32)
"about the project" (70)
from "fun with hexagons" (30)
from "fragments of topology" (77)
from "symmetry and everyday life" (52)
from "towards the 4th dimension" (41)
from "seeing beyond..." (17)
from "mirrors" (49)
other matters (27)

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Five cubes in a dodecahedron

We can pick out 8 vertices among the 20 vertices of a dodecahedron so that they can be the...

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Here we see the net of a cube folding up and, in the background, the net of a hypercube. C...

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A dodecahedron

A dodecahedron.Image appeared in the survey "Officina della matematica" in the number 1 of...

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A dodecahedron

A regular dodecahedron.Image appeared in the survey "Officina della matematica" in the dou...

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Cubes, pentagons, colours ...

If we take the image of the five cubes in a dodecahedron and consider the part correspondi...

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A net of a hypercube

One of the (261) possible nets of a hypercube. A net of the hypercube is a way of disposin...

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Pentagons, colours and per...

Here we see 12 ways to colour a pentagon with 5 colours. Are they all the possible combina...

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How to get the net of a 12...

We can get a net of the 120-cell (one of the six regular polyhedra in dimension 4) from a ...

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A cube and a dodecahedron

There are five ways to pick out 8 vertices among the 20 vertices of a dodecahedron to form...

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A dodecahedron

Here we see a plane net of a dodecahedron folding up in the 3-dimensional space to form a ...

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mathematics workshop

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