Images for Mathematics
the sphere (116)
the torus (92)
the double torus (73)
the Moebius strip (93)
cylinders and other spheres with holes (35)
the Klein bottle (5)
other surfaces (55)
standard surfaces (35)
(virtual)surfaces in non-standard pos... (12)
problems about surfaces (102)
surfaces around the world (398)

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A wooden torus

From the point of view of topology, this sculpture of Franco Badaracco's is a surface of g...

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Cutting a torus

We can cut a torus along a simple, closed curve and it won't divide in two parts. See als...

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Cutting a torus

We can cut a torus along a simple, closed curve and it won't divide in two parts. See also...

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Cutting a torus

We can cut a torus along a simple, closed curve and it won't divide in two parts. See als...

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The problem of the three h...

A solution of the problem of the three houses on the torus. You can also try to solve this...

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The problem of the three h...

The solution of the problem of the three houses on a torus. You can also try to solve thi...

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A torus

A torus, used for an exhibit at matemilano, Topology section, made by Michele Ciribufera a...

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The problem of the three h...

The solution of the problem of the three houses on a torus. You can also try to solve thi...

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The net of a donut-shaped ...

The net of a polyhedron that is, from the point of view of topology, equivalent to a torus...

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A polyhedral torus

A polyhedron that is homeomorphic to a torus; for this polyhedron Euler’s relation does ...

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