Images for Mathematics
images by symmetry group (2340)
images by subject (2439)
breaking symmetry (100)
suggestion of symmetry (155)

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Simmetria e rotture di sim...

Gli alberi rompono la simmetria della facciata dela stazione ferroviaria di Maputo (Mozamb...

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Simmetria e rottura di sim...

La scritta e l'orologio rompono la simmetria dell'ingresso alla stazione ferroviaria di Ma...

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Un tettuccio fatto a rosone

Sulla facciata di questo palazzo a Lubiana (Slovenia), un tettuccio con una articolata geo...

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L'orologio rompe la simmetria del campanile (Solda, Alto Adige).

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A rosette

This rosette is a tile of the decoration on the facade of the building of the Arab World ...

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A pattern

The decoration of a facade of this building of the Institute of the Arabic World in Paris ...

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A pattern

The decoration the facade of this building of the Institute of the Arabic World in Paris g...

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A pattern

The decoration of a facade of the Arab World Institute in Paris gives the impression of a ...

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Una casa

Simmetria e rotture di simmetria nella disposizione delle finestre sulla facciata di quest...

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6 or 4?

The type of symmetry of this park in Sydney (Australia) changes according to what we decid...

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