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The cupola of Ca' Granda, in Milan, is an example of rosette with dihedral group of symmet...
The setting of the exhibition Un tuffo nella quarta dimensione - Diving in the 4th dimensi...
From the exhibition Simetria, jogos de espelhos, realized in Porto in 2002 by the Portugue...
The setting of the exhibition Simmetria, giochi di specchi - Symmetry, playing with mirror...
The setting of the exhibition Simmetria, giochi di specchi - Symmetry, playing with mirror...
The setting of the exhibition Simmetria, giochi di specchi - Symmetry, playing with mirror...
This frieze of type ∞∞ was created by using a fish motif, by folding and cutting a str...
In questa animazione interattiva si possono trascinare i vertici di un pentagono per scopr...
Two mirrors at a particular angle show the rotation axes of the cube: here we see two mirr...
The three 3D kaleidoscopes. If we ignore the cases with two right angles, there are three ...
from the exhibitions of matematita