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A poster of matemilano, in the section "Maxima and minima".See another poster of the same ...
A drawing that can be reconstructed in a room of mirrors. Exhibit from Simmetria, giochi d...
A sphere with the track of the planes of symmetry of the regular dodecahedron on its surfa...
A uniform polyhedron of type (5,6,6): around each vertex there are an regular pentagon and...
One of the five regular polyhedra, the tetrahedron, reconstructed in the corresponding kal...
A basket seen through the kaleidoscope of the tetrahedron. From the exhibition Simmetria, ...
Mirror tricks in a mirror box with the shape of an equilateral triangle. You can see anoth...
A subdivision of the sphere into 48 spherical triangles with angles 45°, 60°, 90°. Exhi...
The setting of the exhibition Simmetria, giochi di specchi - Symmetry, playing with mirror...
One of the (261) possible nets of a hypercube. A net of the hypercube is a way of disposin...
from the exhibitions of matematita