Images for Mathematics
in the plane (2001)
tridimensional (365)
groups and subgroups (5)

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A pattern

A pattern of type *632 (if we ignore the colouring) on the wall of a house in Cordova (Spa...

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A pattern *632

This drawing is an example of pattern with symmetry of type 632, that use this ship as a m...

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A pattern *632

A pattern of type *632 in this decoration in the Red Fortress (XIV century) in Agra (India...

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A pattern *632

A scheme of symmetry that is a pattern of type *632 in the decoration of this window in th...

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A frieze 22∞

A frieze of type 22∞ in the courtyard of a house in piazza S. Ambrogio, in Milan.

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A diatom

Unicellular alga covered in silica. The photo of this diatom seen under an optical microsc...

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Tre pesci

Un rosone con simmetria ciclica, di tipo C3, in questo stemma con tre pesci fotografato a ...

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Testiera da letto

Mosaico con simmetria di tipo 442 che decora una testiera da letto conservata presso il Mu...

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Fake Borromean rings

On the fountain of the Castello Sforzesco in Milan, there's a coat-of-arms that should rep...

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A frieze *∞∞

A frieze of type *∞∞ on the top of the Mausoleum Apakhoja in Kashgar (China).

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in the plane

rosettes (725)friezes (561)wallpaper patterns (777)

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