Images for Mathematics
in the plane (2001)
tridimensional (365)
groups and subgroups (5)

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The seven friezes in paper

The seven friezes are illustrated with simple models realized by folding and cutting a pie...

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A rosette

On the floor of the church Santa Maria in Trastevere in Rome, we can see a rosette, in whi...

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A frieze

A frieze of type 22∞ decorates the cupola of the Mausoleum Apakhoja in Kashgar (China).

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A rosette

This drawing has been used for an exhibit of Simmetria, giochi di specchi - Symmetry, play...

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The seven friezes

The seven types of friezes realized with Potuguese azulejos. From the top we see: the frie...

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A paving 442

In piazza Diaz, Milan, a paving with a 442 symmetry type. Detail. This picture has been us...

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Loggia del Romanino

Loggia del Romanino, Castello del Buonconsiglio - Trento.Il motivo del pavimento è un ese...

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A knot with symmetry C4

At the centre of the floor of the Room of Columns, in Brescia, at the Domus dell'Ortaglia ...

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The seven friezes in a Por...

This Portuguese tapestry is an example of all the seven symmetry types in a frieze. From ...

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in the plane

rosettes (725)friezes (561)wallpaper patterns (777)

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