Images for Mathematics
polyhedra around the world (158)
regular polyhedra (273)
star polyhedra (30)
uniform polyhedra and their duals (99)
prisms, antiprisms, pyramids, dipyramids (77)
deltahedra (17)
polyhedra of positive genus (24)
others polyhedra (30)
Euler relation (19)
symmetry of the cube (46)
problems about polyhedra (126)
models of polyhedra (81)
nets for polyhedra (72)
the polyhedra of Leonardo da Vinci fo... (60)
from a note of Struver (1871) (204)

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Cutting a cube

If we cut a cube along a plane perpendicular to the rotation axis of order four (the one t...

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Cubic boxes

These cubic boxes can be opened in different ways, in order to put in evidence the possibl...

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A set of regular polyhedra with some cubic boxes that can be opened in different ways in o...

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A set of regular polyhedra with some cubic boxes that can be opened in different ways in o...

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A cubic box

This cubic box can be opened in a unusual way and shows a polygon that can be a section of...

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A cubic box

This cubic box can be opened in a unusual way and shows a polygon that can be a section of...

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A cubic box

This cubic box can be opened in a unusual way and shows a polygon that can be a section of...

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A cubic box

This cubic box can be opened in a unusual way and shows a polygon that can be a section of...

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A cubic box

This cubic box can be opened in a unusual way and shows a polygon that can be a section of...

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A cubic box

This cubic box can be opened in a unusual way and shows a polygon that can be a section of...

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problems about polyhedra

puzzles involving reconstruction of polyhedra (34)cutting a cube (71)coloring a cube (3)drawing an egg (6)the rhombic triacontahedron puzzle (12)

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