Images for Mathematics
polyhedra around the world (158)
regular polyhedra (273)
star polyhedra (30)
uniform polyhedra and their duals (99)
prisms, antiprisms, pyramids, dipyramids (77)
deltahedra (17)
polyhedra of positive genus (24)
others polyhedra (30)
Euler relation (19)
symmetry of the cube (46)
problems about polyhedra (126)
models of polyhedra (81)
nets for polyhedra (72)
the polyhedra of Leonardo da Vinci fo... (60)
from a note of Struver (1871) (204)

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30 coloured cubes

These 30 nets can be used to build up 30 cubes that represent the 30 different colourings ...

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A puzzle

These 6 pieces can be rebuilt in order to form a parallelepiped with edges 3,4,7: a non-ve...

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Sections of a cube

A wooden model of the cube, cut in trapezia. See other sections.

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Un poliedro e il suo sviluppo

Un tetraedro regolare e il suo sviluppo. Qual è il rapporto tra il suo volume e quello di...

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Un puzzle

Ciascuno di questi due poliedri si ottiene accostando due di questi altri. Unendo questi d...

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A cubic box

This cubic box can be opened in a unusual way and shows a polygon that can be a section of...

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Twenty parallelepipeds to ...

The rhombic triacontahedron can be coloured with five colours so that, around the vertices...

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Un poliedro e il suo sviluppo

Un poliedro con 5 facce, in cui due facce sono triangoli equilateri, due sono triangoli r...

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Un poliedro e il suo sviluppo

Un ottaedro regolare e il suo sviluppo. Qual è il rapporto tra il suo volume e quello di ...

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Un poliedro e il suo sviluppo

Un tetraedro in cui due facce sono triangoli equilateri e le altre due sono triangoli ret...

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problems about polyhedra

puzzles involving reconstruction of polyhedra (34)cutting a cube (71)coloring a cube (3)drawing an egg (6)the rhombic triacontahedron puzzle (12)

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