Images for Mathematics
from the exhibitions of matematita (2963)
exhibitions with matematita (83)
3D geometry (2163)
2D geometry (832)
4D geometry (597)
symmetry (3323)
topology (953)
other geometries (102)
numbers (39)
anthology of images (4354)
from school and for school (95)
other exhibitions around the world (139)
animations (67)
from "XlaTangente" (666)

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A regular stellated polytope

A three-dimensional section of a regular stellated polytope.You can also see a video repre...

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La Grande Arche

The architectural structure of La Grande Arche (Paris, quarter La Defense) recalls the str...

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A hypercube

A three-dimensional projection of a hypercube. It is useful to compare this image with the...

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Here we see the net of a cube folding up and, in the background, the net of a hypercube. C...

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A 120-cell

A projection of the 120-cell, that is one of the six regular polytopes in dimension 4, in ...

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A hypercube

The Schlegel diagram of a hypercube, that corresponds to the drawing of a cube made of two...

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A 120-cell

L'immagine rappresenta due anelli, di 10 dodecaedri ciascuno, in un 120-celle, che è un p...

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A 24-cell

The model represents a 24-cell (it would be better to say, a particular projection of the ...

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From a tetrahedron to an o...

How to transform a tetrahedron into an octahedron: we make some successive sections with 4...

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Two rings of cubes bound u...

A hypercube (the analogous of a cube in the 4-dimensional space) is made of 8 cubes that c...

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4D geometry

suggestions about 4d from 3d-world (26)hypercube (409)120-cell (70)24-cell (32)hyperoctahedron (13)hypertetrahedron (8)600-cell (26)hypersphere (3)star polytopes (9)various matters (35)

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