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One of the 261 possible nets of a hypercube. A net of the hypercube is a way of disposing ...
One of the 261 possible nets of a hypercube. A net of the hypercube is a way of disposing ...
One of the 261 possible nets of a hypercube. A net of the hypercube is a way of disposing ...
One of the 261 possible nets of a hypercube. A net of the hypercube is a way of disposing ...
A "symmetric" representation of a hypertetrahedron, that is one of the six regular polytop...
Una famiglia di tori che riempie l'ipersfera di dimensione 3 (vista attraverso la proiezio...
Some three-dimensional sections of a regular stellated polytope.
It is not easy to visualize the effect of a rotation on the net of a die, without looking ...
A construction of 8 cubes that can't be the net of a hypercube in the 3-dimensional space....
A regular octahedron: there are 4 equilateral triangles around each vertex. This polyhedro...
4D geometry