Images for Mathematics
the way of images (50)
i concorsi fotografici (98)
Coxeter dossier (34)
le immagini per la via delle immagini (22)
dossier 4d (34)
which polygons tile the plane? (36)
the genus of a surface (50)
Hanoi s tower and hamiltonian circuits (8)
mathematics workshop (32)
"about the project" (70)
from "fun with hexagons" (30)
from "fragments of topology" (77)
from "symmetry and everyday life" (52)
from "towards the 4th dimension" (41)
from "seeing beyond..." (17)
from "mirrors" (49)
other matters (27)

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An orchid

A photo of an orchid (taken from the right point of view) is a nearly-perfect example of a...

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Leaf of black carpinus

Leaves of black Carpinus (Ostrya carpinifolia), a xxx that can be found in xxx. The leaf, ...

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A cactus

Plant with a succulent trunk with photosynthetic function and leaves transformed in thorns...

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A cactus

Plant with a succulent trunk with photosynthetic function. The leaves are transformed in t...

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A rhombic triacontahedron

A rhombic triacontahedron: the faces are rhombi that are all the same, that meet in vertic...

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A 632 paving

The shapes inside the tiles break up the schema of symmetry of the hexagonal tiles which l...

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A flower of viola

From the point of view of symmetry, a photo of the flower of viola (from the right point o...

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Cutting a courgette flower

A courgette flower (Cucurbita pepo) with some seeds inside it. If we cut it crosswise, we ...

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A pea

A seed of pea (Pisum sativum), a plant belonging to the family of the Papilionaceae. If we...

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A section of pear

A fruit of pear (Pyrus communis) with seeds. By cutting along the "equator", we put in evi...

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