Images for Mathematics
cyclic (230)
dihedral (525)
comparison between cyclic and dihedral (11)

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A rosette D4

A rosette with dihedral symmetry of type D4 in the decoration of the temple Javari (X-XI c...

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A rosette D4

In the gardens in front of the Geronimo palace in Lisbon there's a rosette with dihedral s...

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A clematis

A flower of Clematis sp..This photo puts in evidence a dihedral symmetry of type D4, so i...

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A hub D5

A hub with a dihedral symmetry group, a D5 group. We can compare it with another hub; or ...

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A sea urchin

Calcareous techas of echinoderm made of a set of calcareous plates that form a kind of sti...

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Plumbago coerulea

A flower of Plumbago coerulea. A photograph like this, taken from the right point of view,...

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A rosette

This drawing has been used for an exhibit of Simmetria, giochi di specchi - Symmetry, play...

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Symmetry in a flag

The flag of Israel has a dihedral symmetry of type D2. If we consider only the star at the...

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A rosette

A rosette with a (rough) dihedral symmetry of type D8 on a floor at palace Feltrinelli (Ga...

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A hub D8

A hub with a dihedral symmetry group, a D8 group - if you ignore a few things… We can c...

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* (D1) (72)*2. (D2) (54)*3. (D3) (51)*4. (D4) (130)*5. (D5) (51)*6. (D6) (66)*7. (D7) (6)*8. (D8) (77)of higher order (100)

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