Images for Mathematics
cyclic (230)
dihedral (525)
comparison between cyclic and dihedral (11)

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A rosette D1

This decoration in a detail of the mosque Ertogrulgazi in Achkhabad (Turkmenistan) provid...

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A lace D2

A lace with dihedral symmetry group, of type D2.You can see an other one.

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A rosette

On the floor of the church Santa Maria in Trastevere in Rome, we can see a rosette, in whi...

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Rosettes, friezes and patt...

Rosettes, friezes and patterns on the facade of Palazzo Ducale, in Venice.

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Plumbago coerulea

A flower of Plumbago coerulea, a creeper used as an ornamental plant. From the point of vi...

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Uno stampo per il burro

Rosone con simmetria diedrale di tipo D6 inciso su uno stampo da burro in legno, conservat...

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A rosette

A rosette with dihedral symmetry of type D7, that recalls the rosette which can be seen on...

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A rosette

A detail of the decoration of the floor in the "Room of the Columns" at the Domus dell'Ort...

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A cupola D16

The cupola of Ca' Granda, in Milan, is an example of rosette with dihedral group of symmet...

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Rosettes and patterns

In the mosque Ertogrulgazi in Achkhabad (Turkmenistan) we can see a pattern of type 4*2 in...

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* (D1) (72)*2. (D2) (54)*3. (D3) (51)*4. (D4) (130)*5. (D5) (51)*6. (D6) (66)*7. (D7) (6)*8. (D8) (77)of higher order (100)

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