Images for Mathematics
shadows (98)
vanishing point (95)
three-dimensional effect (29)
viewpoint (109)
the Ames room (13)
spherical mirrors (7)


Spherical anamorphosis

An anamorphosis in a hemispherical mirror. Exhibit realised by Gianni and Maria Miglietta ...

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Spherical anamorphosis

An anamorphosis in a hemispherical mirror. Exhibit realised by Gianni and Maria Miglietta ...

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Spherical anamorphosis

An anamorphosis in a hemispherical mirror. Exhibit realised by Gianni and Maria Miglietta ...

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Sembrano sfere concentriche... ma si tratta di effetti di riflessioni in un grande caleido...

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Sembra una sfera... ma è solo un effetto di riflessioni in un grande caleidoscopio al Mus...

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Fantasmagorici effetti di riflessioni in un grande caleidoscopio al Museo scientifico Expl...

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Fantasmagorici effetti di riflessioni in un grande caleidoscopio al Museo scientifico Expl...

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spherical mirrors

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