Images for Mathematics
problems in the mirror boxes (95)
the rosettes (23)
the spheres (6)
the grids (3)
images of the posters (61)
the calendar (12)

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Drawing with mirrors

A drawing that can be reconstructed in a room of mirrors. Exhibit from Simmetria, giochi d...

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A tessellation

A drawing to reproduce in a square room of mirrors. The symmetry of this scheme is 4*2; yo...

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Drawing with mirrors

A drawing to reconstruct in a mirror box. Exhibit from Simmetria, giochi di specchi - Sym...

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Drawing with mirrors

A drawing to reconstruct in a mirror box. Exhibit from Simmetria, giochi di specchi - Sym...

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Drawing with mirrors

A drawing to reconstruct in a mirror box. Exhibit from Simmetria, giochi di specchi - Sym...

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Drawing with mirrors

A drawing that can be reproduced in a room of mirrors by taking these tiles. Exhibit of S...

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Drawing with mirrors

A drawing that can be reconstructed in a room of mirrors. Exhibit from Simmetria, giochi d...

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A tessellation

A drawing to reproduce in a square room of mirrors. The symmetry of this scheme is 4*2 (if...

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Drawing with mirrors

A drawing to reconstruct in a mirror box. Exhibit from Simmetria, giochi di specchi - Sym...

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Drawing with mirrors

A drawing that can be reproduced in a room of mirrors by taking these tiles. Exhibit of S...

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problems in the mirror boxes

in the right-angle triangle with angles of 30° and 60° (16)in the isosceles right-angle triangle (16)in the equilateral triangle (16)in the square (47)

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