Images for Mathematics
from the exhibitions of matematita (2963)
exhibitions with matematita (83)
3D geometry (2163)
2D geometry (832)
4D geometry (597)
symmetry (3323)
topology (953)
other geometries (102)
numbers (39)
anthology of images (4354)
from school and for school (95)
other exhibitions around the world (139)
animations (67)
from "XlaTangente" (666)

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Words between parallel mir...

If we dispose the Italian words CIBO and ANNO between parallel mirrors (in a direction par...

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Word games

There are no reflections that fix this word, but a 180° rotation maps it onto itself. Exh...

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A grid of plane triangles

A grid of plane triangles: if we imagine to elongate the grid to infinity, the grid repres...

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Symmetry in Pisa

The setting of the exhibition Simmetria, giochi di specchi - Symmetry, playing with mirror...

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Cube and octahedron

Cube and octahedron are dual polyhedra: in this position the edges of the cube are perpend...

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A stella octangula

The stella octangula is made of two tetrahedra that are disposed in such a way that their ...

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Dodecahedron and icosahedron

Dodecahedron and icosahedron are dual polyhedra: in this position the edges of the dodecah...

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A great stellated dodecahe...

A great stellated dodecahedron: the faces are 5-pointed stars, and there are 3 of them aro...

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A great dodecahedron

A great dodecahedron: the faces are pentagons, that form a 5-pointed star around each vert...

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A great icosahedron

A great icosahedron: the faces are triangles that form a 5-pointed star around each vertex...

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objects of the exhibition (520)images from the exhibition (194)problems from the exhibition (86)exhibition in Milan (89)external layouts (231)Simetria, jogos de espelhos in Porto (43)the visitors (30)

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