Images for Mathematics
nature (813)
everyday life (889)
architecture (2145)
art (256)
woven objects (141)
reflection in the water (173)
furnishings, graphics and design (225)

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Un canale

Riflessi in un canale, a Bruges (Belgio).

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Sopra il sito di Bet She'an (Israele) una altura riflessa in una pozza d'acqua.

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Pecore allo specchio

Pecore che si abbeverano a un lago di montagna (Solda, Alto Adige).

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Reflection tricks in lake of Massaciuccoli.

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Reflection tricks on the structure that holds a fishing-net, on the lake of Massaciuccoli.

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A rock with vegetation and its reflection in the water of a small lake in the Supramonte d...

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Reflection tricks in the waters of the river that goes through the Kakadu National Park, i...

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Reflection tricks in the waters of the river that goes through the Kakadu National Park, i...

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Frozen reflections

A freezing mirror lake, at sunset. Mirror freezing lakes are pretty rare, this phenomenon ...

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Frozen reflections

The freezing mirror lake of Sils at sunset, with Piz Arlas and Sils Maria. Mirror freezing...

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reflection in the water

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