Images for Mathematics
animals (138)
vegetals (359)
minerals (40)
landscapes (265)
mushrooms,lichens and other stuff (7)
in the microscope (23)

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Una medusa

Una medusa sulla spiaggia di Varela (Guinea Bissau).

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Un riccio di mare

Una (approssimativa) simmetria diedrale di ordine 5 sull'esoscheletro di questo riccio di ...

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Pecore allo specchio

Pecore che si abbeverano a un lago di montagna (Solda, Alto Adige).

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Gatto allo specchio

In un bistrot di Parigi, giochi di riflessione con un gatto fra le bottiglie.

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A ladybug

A ladybug breaks the symmetry of the streakings on this Ferula's stalk.

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Seashells photographed in the Southern coast of Sardinia.

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You can see a description of a homothety in this Australian road sign. Which are the centr...

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Spider and cobweb

A spider with its cobweb at the Royal Botanic Garden in Sydney (Australia). Men can produc...

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A kangaroo

A road sign on the way to Kangaroo Island (Australia).

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A grasshopper

A grasshopper, leant against the mirror of a window, shows its symmetry (broken by the tai...

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