Images for Mathematics
from the exhibitions of matematita (2963)
exhibitions with matematita (83)
3D geometry (2163)
2D geometry (832)
4D geometry (597)
symmetry (3323)
topology (953)
other geometries (102)
numbers (39)
anthology of images (4354)
from school and for school (95)
other exhibitions around the world (139)
animations (67)
from "XlaTangente" (666)

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Symmetric numbers

There are no reflections that fix this number, but a 180° rotation maps it onto itself. E...

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Drawing with mirrors

A drawing that can be reproduced in a room of mirrors by taking these tiles. Exhibit of S...

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A rosette

This drawing has been used for an exhibit of Simmetria, giochi di specchi - Symmetry, play...

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A pattern 3*3

An example of pattern of type 3*3. The drawing has been used in the posters of the exhibit...

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A pattern *632

An example of pattern of type *632. This drawing has been used in the posters of the exhib...

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A pattern 632

An example of pattern of type 632. This drawing has been used in the posters of the exhibi...

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A pattern *333

An example of pattern of type *333. The drawing has been used in the posters of the exhibi...

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A pattern 333

An example of pattern of type 333. The drawing has been used in the posters of the exhibit...

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How many?

Mirror tricks in the kaleidoscope of the dodecahedron. Exhibit from Simmetria, giochi di s...

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Inside a mirror box with a...

Mirror tricks in a triangular mirror box with angles 45°, 45°, 90°: the resulting patte...

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objects of the exhibition (520)images from the exhibition (194)problems from the exhibition (86)exhibition in Milan (89)external layouts (231)Simetria, jogos de espelhos in Porto (43)the visitors (30)

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