Images for Mathematics
polygons (127)
regular star polygons (18)
other non simple polygons (73)
area problems (29)
tessellations (333)
curves and lines (98)
circle (62)
trasformazioni (110)
geoboard and squared paper (12)
other problems (59)

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A 3*3 paving

If you color the hexagons in a regular tessellation in a particular way, you can change th...

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Una tassellazione

Si può pavimentare il piano usando solo esagoni regolari e unendoli a 3 a 3 in ciascun ve...

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Una tassellazione

Si può pavimentare il piano usando solo quadrati e unendoli a 4 a 4 in ciascun vertice. S...

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Una tassellazione

Si può pavimentare il piano usando solo triangoli equilateri e unendoli a 6 a 6 in ciascu...

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A hexagonal pavement

This hexagonal pavement suggests the idea of a regular tessellation in hexagons, it is an ...

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Un pavimento

Questo pavimento nella basilica di S.Maria in Trastevere, a Roma, rappresenta una tassella...

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A tessellation of pentagons

A tessellation in equal pentagons. It is the dual tessellation of the uniform tessellation...

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A floor in the Certosa of ...

The type of symmetry of this floor in the Certosa di Calci (Pisa) is o if we consider the ...

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A Portuguese pavement

A pavement with symmetry 2222 in Lisbon (rua do Telhal). The composition in parallelograms...

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Mosaics on the floor in St...

A mosaic with symmetry *442 on the floor of the cathedral S. Marco in Venice.

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regular tessellations (47)uniform tessellations (43)other tessellations (185)tessellations around the world (177)which polygons tile the plane? (34)triangulations (12)

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