Images for Mathematics
objects of the exhibition (149)
posters of the exhibition (37)
photos of the city (324)
maps of the city (8)
layouts (166)
sections of the exhibition (484)

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A knot

A knot on the paving of the Galleria, in Milan.The image has been used at the exhibition m...

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A Hopf link

The tails of these animanls form an Hopf link on the capital of S. Ambrogio church, in Mil...

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Friezes of Ca' Granda

A courtyard of Ca' Granda, in Milan. The colonnade of the arcade and that of the upper flo...

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A cupola D16

The cupola of Ca' Granda, in Milan, is an example of rosette with dihedral group of symmet...

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The Borromean rings

Borromean rings on the facade of the Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan.

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A 3*3 paving

In corso Vittorio Emanuele, in Milano, a paving with equilateral triangles colored so that...

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A frieze 2*∞

A house in via Pascoli in Milan decorated with a frieze 2*∞.

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A rose window D3

This rosette in the apse of the Duomo of Milan has dihedral symmetry of type D3.

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A decoration *×

The scheme of symmetry of this decoration at the Castello Sforzesco in Milan is of type *Ã...

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A rose window D16

If we look at the cupola of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, in Milan from the cetre of the...

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photos of the city

the cathedral (8)the Sforza Castle (23)the Gallery (15)S. Ambrogio (16)the Cà Granda (72)in the city center (92)around the city (82)Domus Ortaglia (Brescia) (16)

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