Images for Mathematics
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images from the topology section (90)
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A path problem

A problem of paths, analogous to the classical problem of the Königsberg bridges. In thi...

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A path problem

A problem of paths, analogous to the classical problem of the Königsberg bridges. In thi...

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A path problem

A problem of paths, analogous to the classical problem of the Königsberg bridges. In thi...

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A figure eight knot

The figure eight knot (also called the savoia knot) is the simplest knot after the trefoil...

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A figure eight knot

The figure eight knot (also called the savoia knot) is the simplest knot after the trefoil...

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Borromean rings

A three-components knot. The three threads are mutually untied (all the possible couples o...

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Cutting a torus

We can cut a torus along a simple, closed curve and it won't divide in two parts. See als...

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Cutting a torus

We can cut a torus along a simple, closed curve and it won't divide in two parts. See also...

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A torus

A virtual image of a torus.

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Cutting a torus

By identifying opposite sides of a rectangle, we get a torus. See also the interactive ani...

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