This picture shows the cover of the book Con altri occhi, Sguardi matematici a non sulla c...
A three-dimensional projection of a hypercube. It is useful to compare this image with the...
The translation in Portuguese of the book Il ritmo delle forme - The rhythm of the shapes.
A seat in a train. The decoration is an example of a symmetry group 22×. You can see a de...
Michele Ciribifera's helicoid (300 x 300 x 300 *×, wood, steel and gold wires), at the en...
The picture shows one of the two solid tori (made up of 60 dodecahedra each) in which a 12...
The soles of these flip flops provide an example of the crystallographic group 4*2. Detail...
The picture shows what happens when you put just one ball in a kaleidoscope, which corresp...
Catalogue of the matemilano exhibition, published by Springer, 2003.
"about the project"