This wooden sculpture represents a torus, that is not embedded in the three-dimensional sp...
If we observe the image carefully, we realize that the photographed model is a trefoil kno...
This knot, despite of its complicated appearance, is equivalent to a trefoil knot with 3 c...
Scultura di Claudio Capotondi. Si può vederne un'altra.
Image for the column "The way of images" on the journal XlaTangente, n. 16. You can see th...
Image for the column "The way of images" on the journal XlaTangente, n. 16. You can see th...
Questa scultura in legno di Franco Badaracco fa parte di un gruppo di sculture che erano e...
Un nodo trifoglio e un nodo a otto confrontati con le loro immagini speculari nell`exhibit...
This knot is equivalent to the trefoil knot. You can compare the image with this other, th...
This exhibit of the section "Topology" in the exhibition matemilano shows a trefoil knot a...
trefoil knot