Images for Mathematics
trefoil knot (31)
figure eight knot (21)
“fake” knot (22)
others one component knots (6)

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A trefoil knot

A trefoil knot with number of crossings 3.The image has been realized for the exhibition m...

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A knotted torus

This wooden sculpture represents a torus, that is not embedded in the three-dimensional sp...

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(2,k)-torus knots

the torus knot of type (2,3) is the trefoil knot. You can see what happens when we increas...

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A trefoil knot

This knot is equivalent to the trefoil knot. You can compare the image with this other, th...

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A trefoil knot

A trefoil knot. For example, the knot we make when we tie our shoes (if we joined the two ...

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A trefoil knot

L'immagine rappresenta sul toro un nodo trifoglio, ovvero un nodo di tipo (2,3). Si può...

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A trefoil knot

A trefoil knot on a capital in the courtyard of S.Ambrogio church, in Milan.

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A trefoil knot

The trefoil knot is the simplest knot; here you can see the two versions (left and right) ...

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A trefoil knot

The trefoil knot is the simplest knot; here you can see the two versions (left and right) ...

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A diagram of the trefoil knot

The diagram of a knot differs from a projection of the knot on a plane because every cross...

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trefoil knot

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