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The image represents two rings of 10 dodecahedra each, in a 120-cell, that is a regular po...
L'immagine rappresenta due anelli, di 10 dodecaedri ciascuno, in un 120-celle, che è un p...
This interactive animation shows the various polygons that can be obtained by cutting a cu...
A table of the setting of the exhibition Un tuffo nella quarta dimensione - Diving in the...
The setting of the exhibition Un tuffo nella quarta dimensione - Diving in the 4th dimensi...
Some models that represent different types of representation of a hypercube in the three-d...
If we cut a cube along a plane perpendicular to the rotation axis of order three (the one ...
In this interactive animation you can make different nets of a hypercube. If a square ligh...
Playing with an exhibit of Un tuffo nella quarta dimensione - Diving in the 4th dimension,...
A Schlegel diagram of a hypercube, that corresponds to the drawing of a cube made of two s...
from the exhibition Diving in 4th dimension