Images for Mathematics
from the exhibition Symmetry, playing with mirrors (1016)
from the exhibition matemilano (792)
from the exhibition matetrentino (293)
from the exhibition Diving in 4th dimension (216)
from the exhibition Matematica trasparente (9)
from the exhibition Equal? Different! (538)
from the exhibition Taming infinity (56)
from the exhibition 150 years of mathematical models (73)

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A 120-cell

A projection of the 120-cell, that is one of the six regular polytopes in dimension 4, in ...

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A poster

This poster of the exhibition Un tuffo nella quarta dimensione - Diving in the 4th dimensi...

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A 120-cell

The image represents two rings of 10 dodecahedra each, in a 120-cell, that is a regular po...

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Inside a 120-cell

This video gives the impression of getting inside a 120-cell, that is one of the six regul...

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How many different dice th...

There are 30 possible dice (if we don't consider the usual convention of disposing in oppo...

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A net of a hypercube

One of the (261) possible nets of a hypercube. A net of the hypercube is a way of disposin...

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A hypercube

A model that shows a hypercube (it is actually a three-dimensional projection of a hypercu...

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A net of a hypercube

One of the (261) possible nets of a hypercube. A net of the hypercube is a way of disposin...

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Recognize the shape

The objects of this animation are constructions of eight cubes with some faces in common. ...

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Un tuffo nella quarta dime...

The setting of the exhibition Un tuffo nella quarta dimensione - Diving in the 4th dimensi...

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from the exhibition Diving in 4th dimension

objects of the exhibition (59)posters of the exhibition (5)images of the exhibition (102)animations of the exhibitions (23)the layout at the magazzini del Cotone, Science Festival 2007, Genova (52)

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