At the palace of the University, in via Festa del Perdono, in Milan, a gate provides an ex...
A balustrade with a frieze 2*∞ in piazza dei Mercanti in Milan.
A frieze of type *∞∞ in piazza dei Mercanti, in Milan (it is surrounded by two frieze...
In Via Palestrina, Milan, a ∞∞frieze. Exhibit from matemilano.
A frieze of type ∞∞ (on the right) and a frieze of type *∞∞ (on the left) in via M...
The base of this column in via Meravigli, in Milan, is decoratd with three friezes of type...
A frieze of type ∞× in Milan: for a better view, see also the image 212.
photos of the city