Images for Mathematics
objects (64)
posters (14)
photos of the city (42)
images from the symmetry section (24)
layout (30)

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A 3*3 paving

In corso Vittorio Emanuele, in Milano, a paving with equilateral triangles colored so that...

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S. Ambrogio

The symmetry of the facade of the church S. Ambrogio, in Milan, is broken by two towers of...

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A column with three friezes

The base of this column in via Meravigli, in Milan, is decoratd with three friezes of type...

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A cupola D16

The cupola of Ca' Granda, in Milan, is an example of rosette with dihedral group of symmet...

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A frieze 22∞

This frieze of type 22∞ is the frame of a painted panel placed at the centre of the Room...

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Borromean rings, rosettes ...

These windows in Corso Magenta in Milan are characterized by the scheme of the Borromean r...

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Rosettes and friezes

A house in via Caccianino, in Milan, is decorated with rosettes (a cyclic rosette of type ...

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Roman mosaics

A figured panel at the centre of the Room of Dionysus (beginning of the second century a.C...

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A rosette D8

A rosette with dihedral group of symmetry of type D16 (or D8 if we consider the external p...

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S. Ambrogio

The symmetry of the facade of the church S. Ambrogio, in Milan, is broken by two towers of...

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