A uniform polyhedron of type (5,6,6) seen in a kaleidoscope 3d. Exhibit of Simmetria, gio...
A uniform polyhedron of type (4,6,6) seen in a kaleidoscope 3d. Exhibit of Simmetria, gio...
A uniform polyhedron of type (3,8,8) seen in a kaleidoscope 3d. Exhibit of Simmetria, gio...
A uniform polyhedron of type (4,6,8) seen in a kaleidoscope 3d. Exhibit of Simmetria, gio...
A cube in a small 3d kaleidoscope. Exhibit of Simmetria, giochi di specchi - Symmetry, pl...
A regular tetrahedron seen in a kaleidoscope 3d. Exhibit of Simmetria, giochi di specchi ...
The setting of the exhibition Simmetria, giochi di specchi - Symmetry, playing with mirror...
Playing wit a small kaleidoscope (corresponding to the group of symmetry of the cube)and a...
Playing wit a small kaleidoscope (corresponding to the group of symmetry of the cube)and a...
Playing with the fingers in a small kaleidoscope. From the exhibition .From the exhibition...
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