Images for Mathematics
images by symmetry group (2340)
images by subject (2439)
breaking symmetry (100)
suggestion of symmetry (155)

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A mosaic in Alhambra

A pattern on the cupola of the room Abencerrajes at the Alhambra (XIV-XV century, Granada,...

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A hub C6

A hub with a cyclic symmetry group, a C6 group - if you ignore a few things …We can comp...

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A rosette

A rosette with dihedral symmetry of type D7, that recalls the rosette which can be seen on...

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The emir's palace

A frieze of type *22∞ at the entrance of the Emir's palace in Boukara (Uzbekistan).

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A frieze ∞∞

A frieze of type ∞∞, realized with a cylindric rubber stamp.

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A *333 paving

A paving with regular hexagons coloured so that the symmetry group is *333. You can see a ...

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A hub C7

A hub with cyclic group of symmetry of type C7 (if we ignore a few things...). We can co...

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Una sfera

Sfera decorativa ad intarsio, in corno, proveniente dall'India. La decorazione mette in ev...

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A rosette

A rosette with cyclic symmetry of type C8 in this mill in Crete.

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A rosette

A detail of the decoration of the floor in the "Room of the Columns" at the Domus dell'Ort...

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images by symmetry group

in the plane (2001)tridimensional (365)groups and subgroups (5)

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