Images for Mathematics
images by symmetry group (2340)
images by subject (2439)
breaking symmetry (100)
suggestion of symmetry (155)

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A pattern 4*2

This drawing is an example of pattern with symmetry of type 4*2, that use this dog as a mo...

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A rosette

The letter at the centre breaks completely the symmetry of this rosette at palace Feltrine...

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A frieze ∞∞

A frieze of type ∞∞ in piazza dei Mercanti, in Milan.

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A cube

A cube in a square in Porto (Portugal). The vertical axis is the rotation axis of order 3 ...

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A poster

In this poster of the exhibition matemilano, in the section "Symmetry", there are some fri...

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The sphere of the group of...

A sphere with the tracks of the planes of symmetry of the regular octahedron on its surfac...

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The group of the cube

A sphere with the track of the planes of symmetry of the cube on its surface. This image h...

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An octahedron

The marks on the surface of this regular octahedorn represent the planes of symmetry.Image...

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A cube

The marks on the surface of this cube represent the planes of symmetry.The image has been ...

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A pattern 632

An example of pattern of type 632. This drawing has been used in the posters of the exhibi...

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images by symmetry group

in the plane (2001)tridimensional (365)groups and subgroups (5)

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