Images for Mathematics
images by symmetry group (2340)
images by subject (2439)
breaking symmetry (100)
suggestion of symmetry (155)

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Un pavimento

Particolare di un pavimento, a Roma. Il quadrato contiene un rosone con simmetria diedrale...

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Rosone con simmetria diedrale di tipo D4 su un vaglio rinvenuto a Bocenago (Tn) e conserva...

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A rosette C4

A rosette with cyclic symmetry of type C4 on this decoration of a mosque in Chakh Zinda a ...

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A rosette C4

A rosette with cyclic symmetry of type C4 in the courtyard of a house in piazza S.Ambrogio...

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Portuguese azulejos

At the museum of the azulejos in Lisbon we can see an example of pattern with symmetry *44...

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A pattern *442

In S. Martinho do Porto, in Portugal, a paving with symmetry group *442. You can compare t...

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A rosette D4

A rosette with dihedral symmetry of type D4 on the clapper of a main gate in Porto (Portug...

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A frieze ∞*

A frieze of type ∞* in Sandrigo (Vicenza).

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Azulejos with symmetry *442

Portuguese azulejos with a *442 symmetry type from the Museum of Azulejos in Lisbon.

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Fregio intarsiato con simmetria di tipo ∞× su un comodino conservato presso la casa nat...

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images by symmetry group

in the plane (2001)tridimensional (365)groups and subgroups (5)

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