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A sphere with the track of the planes of symmetry of the regular icosahedron on its surfac...
A sphere with the track of the planes of symmetry of the regular dodecahedron on its surfa...
This frieze of type *∞∞ was created by using a fish motif, by folding and cutting a st...
This frieze of type ∞∞ was created by using a fish motif, by folding and cutting a str...
Mirror games in the kaleidoscope of the dodecahedron. Exhibit of Simmetria, giochi di spec...
A subdivision of the sphere into 120 spherical triangles with angles 36°, 60°, 90°. Exh...
In corso Buenos Aires, Milan, this stained glass window with a hexagonal pattern is an exa...
La merlatura delle mura che circondano la piazza dei Miracoli, a Pisa, costituisce un esem...
A roman mosaic in Brescia, at the Domus dell’Ortaglia; the mosaic, that has a scheme of ...
images by symmetry group