Images for Mathematics
at the market (32)
in the street (143)
on the road (9)
drains and manhole covers (30)
rims (45)
road signs (20)
in the house (94)
clothing and accessories (20)
in the kitchen (47)
playing (56)
work instruments (11)

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A *333 paving

A paving with regular hexagons coloured so that the symmetry group is *333. You can see a ...

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A stellated lamp

In the Malaspina castle, in Fosdinovo (MS), we can see a lamp whose shape is similar to a ...

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Un rosone

Rosone con simmetria diedrale di tipo D32, su un arco da culla, conservato presso il Museo...

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Arco da culla

Archi da culla in legno del XIX secolo conservati presso il Museo degli Usi e Costumi dell...

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Un lampadario

Un lampadario in ottone di forma estrosa, con una simmetria prismatica di tipo D4, in una ...

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Symmetry in a wardrobe

The decoration on the top of this wardrobe is an example of dihedral symmetry of type D1.

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Symmetry in a lamp

A lamp with 60 bulbs, with the symmetry type of an icosahedron.

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A lamp based on the number 7

At the Haus Noldin in Salorno (Bolzano) we can see a strange lamp composed by 7 squares, 1...

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Simmetria a tavola

Una tavola apparecchiata con simmetria di ordine 7, mentre i piatti sono di tipo D8; a Fre...

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A frieze 22∞

A frieze of type 22∞ on the floor of a house.

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