Images for Mathematics
animals (62)
vegetals (210)
minerals (15)
landscapes (72)

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A ray

Bilateral symmetry in the drawings on the back of a ray, at the aquarium of Genoa.

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A symmetry of type D4 on the umbrellas of these young medusae, photographed at the Aquariu...

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Symmetry in flight

An Atlantic Puffin in flight (Island).

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A podalirius

Iphiclides podalirius, a leptidopterus of the family of the Papilionidi, very common in It...

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A earth-worm

The Lumbricus terrestris, an anellid that lives in the soil. Earthworm activity is very im...

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An insect

The drawing of this earwig puts in evidence a dihedral symmetry of type D1.

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A butterfly

The drawing of a butterfly; the body is divided in head, thorax, abdomen. Wings and legs a...

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Lucanus tetraodon, a coleoptera that lives in the woods. The males have very strong jaws f...

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